fiery whisper - an imagined story about the atmosphere
peça sonora - peça de rádio 00:22:18, 2024
/sonic piece - radio piece
fiery whisper – an imagined story about the atmosphere
from december 2024
When the world began, it had no eyes to see. There was only a shimmering void, and everything floated in it: dust, breathing, desires.
One day, the void decided to blow into itself, and that's how the atmosphere was born.
That blow made way for voices and held sounds. The atmosphere, like a weaver spinning threads of air, unraveling and reweaving them over and over. It keeps stories for the earth to carry, like a library without walls. The atmosphere that surrounds us today was first born as a fiery whisper.
Back then, there were no words. But the voids blow was its own language, a subtle way for everything that existed to communicate. The atmosphere knew how to listen. And by listening, it became alive.
Then, a great bird, flying between worlds, carrying the sounds of water and fire, flapped its wings. Its wings stirred the wind and spread fragments of sound through the air. These fragments, carried by the wind, began to descend through the atmosphere, and from them, the world started forming words.
And so, the atmosphere began its dance. Its cycles.
One day, a lynx perched on a rock heard a blow of wind and started talking to it.
It was the atmosphere itself, wanting to tell its story to the lynx.
It said to the Lynx:
"I am made of everything you, beings, dream of, say, sound, remember, forget. I am the sound of songs lost in the fields, carried by rivers, cast into the seas.
I hold silences too. I am the archive of the invisible."
And what happens to what you hold? - the lynx asked.
“I transform it. What one forgets can be sung by another. What you think you've lost, I return in echoes and winds. Have you ever heard the music of the mountains? Those are whispered songs of stories that never end. And everything forgotten on earth finds shelter in the atmosphere. The air, the wind—they carry stories, suspended between the sky and the ground.”
Then the lynx said:
“From now on, I will activate the atmosphere-devenir on earth: the air we breathe, the particles that touch our skin, the breezes and scents that carry memories and affections and the clouds that travel with us, playing their endless game of forming shapes.
To activate an atmosphere-devenir is to open pathways to worlds we don’t yet know, a gesture of trust in the invisible, in what lies beyond the immediate reach of our senses. It’s a way of imagining even the impossible: healing atmospheres, where the wind carries dreams, creating sensitive atmospheres that respond to the touch of bodies and whisper songs and caresses to them.
The atmosphere-devenir challenges us to transform how we perceive and relate to the world. And so, breathing together, we become atmosphere and overflow. I will whisper this secret into the ears of those open to listen.”